LLUMO: Free until we save you $100k on LLMs! Eligible users only. Opt-in to get the deal

Evaluate LLMs
your way

The only customizable LLMs evaluation tool to gain 360° insights into your AI output quality.

Hallucination40%answer_relevancy59%contextual_relevancy52%factual_correctness28%toxicity21%bias40%Response Coherence50%Empathy46%Adaptability34%Multi-turn Memory30%confidence40%context59%clarity52%cost28%accuracy21%

Evaluate & compare all universal language models at one place

Why llumo ai?

cut ai cost

Cut AI Cost

Compressed prompt & output tokens, to cut your AI cost with
augmented production level AI quality output

cut ai cost

Cutting-edge Memory Management

Efficient chat memory management slashes inference costs
and accelerates speed by 10x on recurring queries.

cut ai cost

Monitor AI performance

Monitor your AI performance and cost in real-time
to continuously optimize your AI product.

it's how you

Uncover LLM insights.
Make decisions. Drive growth.

gravity play button


We recently started using LLUMO. Earlier we were a bit skeptical that it will increase our workload and might delay our project timelines, but it streamlined our end-to-end LLM project. We are now doing double the tests we used to run in a day and have automated benchmarks to measure quality of prompts and output.

Jazz PradoBeam.gg, Product Manager

It's your customized
GPS for LLMs evaluation


Iterate prompts across LLMs, evaluate and compare thousands of output on a single screen


You don't need ground truth anymore, customize LLMs evaluation as per your use case & task.


Real-time LLMs performance monitoring in production to measure what matters to your customers most.

Your Customized GPS for LLMs Evaluation

No more guess work, gain 360° insights to meet your customer's expectations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get Started

Can I try LLUMO for free?

Is LLUMO secured?

What’s so special about LLUMO?

Does LLUMO give me real-time analytics?

Can I use LLUMO with all LLMs like ChatGPT, Bard, etc.?

Can we use LLUMO with custom LLM models hosted at our end?